European network of transmission system operators for electricity (ENTSO-E)
The European network of transmission system operators for electricity is composed of 42 transmission system operator (TSO) from 35 European countries. Legal basis for establishing of this organization is provided by the European Union’s Third Energy Package for member countries, while the same basis is transferred to countries of the South-East Europe region through the Agreement on forming of Energy Community.
The new European legislation assigned to ENTSO-E an important role of planning, development and management of transmission systems on pan-European level. Regulation 714/2009 EC, as integral part of the Third Energy Package of European Union’s legislation, stipulates the need for increased mutual cooperation and coordination between transmission system operators which will create network junction points for implementing and ensuring efficient and transparent cross-border access to transmission networks, and ensure a coordinated and efficient planning in the future and reliable technical development of Community’s transmission system, including creating of interconnection capacities, with special reference to the environment.
European TSOs, among which was also CGES in capacity of one of the founders and valid members, reached an agreement and founded ENTSO-E before adoption and entering into force of the Third Energy Package, with the intention to participate actively in the European process of creating rules and accelerate creation of network junction points and planning of European network.
Within ENTSO-E, TSOs cooperate on regional and European level, and through ENTSO-E communicate their needs and positions regarding European and regional issues. ENTSO-E activities are divided on three Boards, based on which was done the website, which are for System Development, System Operations and Market, while support is provided by the Legal and Regulatory Group.
Activities are focused on the following:
· Reliable operation
· Optimal management
· Reliable technical development of European electricity network
· Safety of supply
· Implementation of needs of internal energy market and improvement of market integration
· Report on network development
· Grid codes
· Promotion of relevant O&M and public acceptability of transmission infrastructures
· Consultations with interested parties and positions regarding energy policy.