Overhead Line 400 kV Čevo - Pljevlja


The 400 kV OHL Čevo – Pljevlja project includes the construction of the 400 kV transmission line section from Čevo to Pljevlja about 115 km long, of which the double-circuit section (400+110Kv) is from Brezna to Kosanica 40 km long. Through this project it is planned to connect SS Brezna and SS Žabljak at the 110 kV voltage level. The project is being implemented complying with the obligations under the Project Coordination Agreement on the connection of the electric power systems of Italy and Montenegro, as well as the need for the 110 kV transmission network not to be a "bottleneck" in the implementation of development plans for both the littoral and the north of Montenegro.


All of the above will make the electric power system of Montenegro more stable and reliable and reduce the impact of neighboring electric power systems in case of major disturbances.

Project implementation includes the following sub-projects:

  • SS 400/110/35 kV Lastva (2x300 MVA);
  • OHL 400 and 2x400 kV OHL Lastva-Čevo;
  • OHL 400/400 + 110 kV OHL Čevo-Pljevlja.

The main project benefits are:

  • fulfillment of the n-1 security criterion in case of 500-1000 MW transit via undersea cable;
  • reliable power supply of consumers in the coastal area of Montenegro;
  • better voltage-reactive conditions;
  • connection of the interconnection link between Montenegro and Italy by means of the undersea cable;
  • load shedding of transmission capacities towards the coast;
  • better voltage-reactive conditions in the 400 kV network of Montenegro;
  • reduction of losses in the transmission network (through greater utilization of the 400 kV network);
  • bidirectional power supply of SS Brezna and SS Žabljak.

The total planned value of the project is about € 106 million.

With regard to the project of the 400/400 + 110 kV OHL Čevo-Pljevlja, the preparatory activities were completed, the contractor Energoinvest-Energomontaža was selected, the detailed design was completed and the equipment was delivered. Construction and electrical installation works on the transmission line are underway. The project implementation is slightly above 85%, whereas the works have been completed to the extent above 75%. Activities are being carried out to resolve property and legal issues, alternative routes at critical locations are being considered, and the project is planned to be completed in 2021. 

CBA Indicators/Project

SS 400/110 kV Lastva, 400 kV OHL Lastva - Čevo and Čevo – Pljevlja


Higher security of power supply

Undelivered energy is estimated at about 2.13 GWh (due to the non-construction of SS Lastva)+7.06 GWh (non-construction of OHL 400 kV Lastva-Pljevlja), which amounts to about 6.9 mil annually.



Social and economic benefits (mil)

It allows market coupling between Italy and Southeast Europe with the full capacity of 1000 MW of DC cable, thereby increasing the benefits of electricity producer.


RES integration

It allows the construction of SS 400/110/35 kV Brezna to which HPP Komarnica (172MW) and WPP Krnovo (72MW) is to be connected.


Variation in losses (GWh)

Annual loss reduction by 52.643 GWh (about 1.621 mil ).


Variation in CO emission (%)

In case of construction of renewable sources (172+72 MW), the use of thermal units and CO2 emission are expected to decline. 


Technical resilience/system security

This project significantly improves technical resilience of the system when major disturbances occur (e.g. an outage of 400 kV switchyard at SS Podgorica 2 or outages of 110 kV grid in the coastal area). OHL 400 kV Lastva – Pljevlja allows maximum delivery through the cable towards Italy. Closing the ring in the 400 kV grid increases the security of the system operation and resolves the previous problem of parallel operation of 400 kV and 220 kV grids.



Even without the full utilization of the cable, the security of energy supply and system operation is increased. The Strategy goal of closing the 400 kV ring in Montenegro is achieved. The project is flexible because it retains the benefits in various scenarios of transmission grid development.

Grid transfer capacity (GTC)

The value is increased by approximately 500 MW.


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