System for microprocessor protection of transmission system components

System for microprocessor protection of transmission system components

With the aim of keeping up with the latest developments in protection and control, it is planned to equip all CGES substation with microprocessor protection and control devices. In the past (another investment project), CGES completed the reconstruction of protections in 400 kV network.

The project has been implemented in several phases:

·         reconstruction of the 220 kV and 110 kV protection system in SS Podgorica 2, SS Pljevlja 2, SS Ribarevine and SS Mojkovac;

·         reconstruction of systems of protection, control and auxiliary consumption in SS 220/110/35 kV Podgorica 1;

·         reconstruction of protection and control in the remaining 110 kV network.

The expected benefits from this project are:

·         reduction of no-load time due to unreliable operation of protections;

·         improvement of operating capability of EPS of Montenegro.

The total project value is about EUR 6 million.

The first project phase was completed. With regard to the phases II and III, tender procedure was completed and the most favorable contractor Siemens-Elnos was selected. The commencement of works is expected in I Q 2020.