The project includes procurement and implementation of new SCADA system.
The project of the installation of the new SCADA system consists of two subprojects:
- New SCADA system which includes the procurement and implementation of a new SCADA/EMS system. The goal of the project is to create a monitoring and control architecture consisting of two parallel independent centers in the main and back-up configuration, at two physically separate locations, the National Dispatch Center (NDC) and the Back-up Dispatch Center (RDC). This project will provide CGES with a modern system for monitoring and control of the electric power system of Montenegro, as well as a full system for the analysis of EPS, both in real and study operational mode. Besides, within this project, the so-called market module through which CGES will procure and provide ancillary services (regulation, reserve, etc.) has been put into operation.
The implementation of the project was completed and the SCADA/EMS system was put into trial operation in late 2019.

- Equipping remote monitoring and control facilities
This sub-project was implemented in accordance with the Agreement signed with the company "Eminent" Llc from Podgorica with the aim of creating two completely independent configurations of the existing and new SCADA/EMS system. In the first phase of the project implementation of the new SCADA/EMS system, new RTUs were installed in 28 facilities.

Expected benefits:
- upgrading the system for monitoring and control of the electric power system of Montenegro in ENTSO-E interconnection;
- increasing the level of security and reliability of the transmission system of Montenegro in real time;
- timely identification of potential disturbances liable to endanger the safe and stable operation of the electric power system of Montenegro and all interconnections;
- taking corrective measures to prevent real-time disturbances.
The total value of the project is approximately EUR 4.5 million.