CGES participation in the Trinity project

The TRINITY project (increasing regional border capacity of transmission system by means of intelligent market technology), which is being implemented under the auspices of the European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), was launched in October 2019 and will last until October 2023.
CGES is part of a consortium implementing this scientific research project together with end users (transmission system operators, power exchanges, regional coordination centre, promoters of renewable energy sources) and scientific research institutions from EU and South East Europe.
The project aims to facilitate the interconnection of the electricity market in the region of South East Europe (SEE) and the connection with the multi-regional coupling market (MRC). This project will develop a set of solutions to improve cooperation and coordination between SEE transmission system operators in order to integrate the electricity markets in the region, while promoting greater participation and entry of the renewable energy sources into market. In order to achieve this strategic goal, four independent and yet complementary TRINITY products will be developed within the project:
1. T-MARKET COUPLING FRAMEWORK: setting up a framework for cross-border cooperation and integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity market based on a coordinated intraday market and available capacities in South East Europe;
2. T-SENTINEL TOOL: a set of tools will allow optimization of EPS operation at the regional level and development of new algorithms to improve the calculation of reliability values, which will facilitate the integration of more RES in the region;
3. T-RES CONTROL CENTRE will be established in South East Europe with the aim of optimizing the control and operation of renewable energy generation plants, facilitating their share in various electricity markets through special mechanisms for monitoring and certifying the origin of clean energy;
4. T-COORDINATION PLATFORM will serve to improve cooperation between RCCs and TSOs. By coordinating the functionality of the three previous T-products, this platform will rely on the experience of the French RTE operator when structuring cross-border operations.
T-SENTINEL TOOLSET is the TRINITY technological solution targeting Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Regional Security Centres (RSCs). All developed T-SENTINEL solutions are tailored to the European electricity guidelines requirements. They are developed in a way to be replicable in other regions or pan European scale as well.
T-SENTINEL security modules, i.e. RAO (Remedial Action Optimization) and RDCS (Redispatching Cost Sharing) modules, include the development of novel algorithms and corresponding IT solutions related to coordinated security assessment functions performed by Regional Security Coordinators and transmission system operators. The security module is responsible for performing day ahead and intraday power system static security checks and optimization of coordinated multi-lateral remedial actions when potential overloads are detected. The security module aims to deliver advancements in the context of improved efficiency of solving network congestions through co-optimization of non-costly and costly redispatching actions and better share the overall costs of redispatching.
T-SENTINEL reliability module (RMA module) includes the development of innovative methods and corresponding IT solutions related to the capacity calculation performed by RSCs and TSOs. It is based on the novel concept of Reliability Margin statistical assessment, as a hybrid between Flow-based (Flow Reliability Margin - FRM) and transaction-based (Transmission Reliability Margin - TRM) calculation principles, which would in return provide more robust transmission capacity calculation in both available principles.
T-MARKET COUPLING FRAMEWORK CRM (Capacity Reserve Market) module: This software solution, developed together by EKC, IMP and SEEPEX, will enable multi zonal cooperation for balancing reserve exchange. The platform uses an optimization algorithm that combines various sets of trading constraints, at first place cross-zonal capacity limits. This approach will help differentiate treatment of reserve exchange among LFC areas within one LFC block from the case when LFC areas belong to different LFC blocks. This represents a unique feature compared to so far implemented cooperation in Continental Europe Synchronous Area. Target customers are Market Operators and Transmission System Operators.
The tool T-RES CONTROL CENTRE is mainly designed for the use of generators. However, it could be adapted for possible use to other participants of the electricity market, e.g., DSOs, Dispatching services, Aggregators, other Service Suppliers, etc.
RES (Renewable Energy Sources) congestion and overload calculation module: The module will be additional asset for TSOs and RES managers. Using the module, they will be able to perform fast and simple load flow calculation in order to evaluate possible local network lines overloads or bus voltage problems with integration of new RES power plant on favourable and profitable selected location. The module is an open source tool that can be upgraded by the users themselves or in a joint collaboration with the faculty as a developer.